Sunday 25 July 2010

More About Me. Interested?

These are my test results based on a series of questions I filled in on a free online dating site ( The answers are pretty general and not everything will apply to me, but the results are quite interesting so I thought I would share them with you...

Chemistry Test Results


As someone with high self-confidence, you feel quite comfortable interacting with other people. Indeed, you find the company of others very stimulating and enjoy meeting new people. Your relaxed demeanor in groups makes people around you comfortable too. Perhaps because you feel comfortable talking about yourself, others tend to enjoy being around you and perceive you as socially competent.

The confidence that helps you feel comfortable talking to people also spills into your own personal beliefs about yourself. Although you have several strengths, it’s likely that you also acknowledge and accept your weaknesses. But unlike some people, you take full responsibility for your actions—you rarely regret things you’ve done in the past and are not embarrassed easily.

Perhaps the defining feature that sets you apart from most people is the exceptionally high standards that you set for yourself. Your competence in social gatherings as well as at work should provide ample evidence for this. With these characteristics, it’s very likely that people come to you for advice and generally think of you as someone with leader-like qualities.

Family Orientation

As someone who is oriented to familial matters, you value the company of family-members and domestic life. If you have children already, you enjoy spending time with them very much and work hard to be a good parent. If you don’t have children, you very much desire having children in the future. And your preference for cooking and entertaining guests at home will likely ease the transition into parenthood.

You take pride in maintaining and cultivating a healthy family and work hard to achieve this. This natural tendency is easily illustrated by your preference for doing things around the house as opposed to going out to clubs and restaurants.

What really sets you apart from people that are low in family orientation is that you know how to manage your frustrations and work well on your own. This means that you are well-equipped to manage a family without letting all the work that is involved wear you down. However, as someone with strong family values, all the work that is involved in maintaining a tidy home and well-stocked kitchen might occasionally make it difficult for you to finish everything that you need to do.


The self-control personality dimension captures the way in which a person regulates and directs him or herself. Being low in self-control can be both good and bad. Occasionally people may be compelled to follow their intuitions and give in to their temptations, and your degree of self-control makes this likely to happen more often than not. This can be good in circumstances where being relaxed and open are important. However, in situations where it is necessary to be focused and careful, you might find that you do or say things that may be inappropriate.

As someone who exerts little control over your actions, you may find that you commit social blunders that might offend other people and get yourself in trouble. For example, if you’re given responsibility to work on a project that requires close attention to detail, you may be likely to overlook important details because you have difficulty staying focused. Consequently, you might feel more comfortable delegating such tasks to other people who are more detail oriented. Being able to recognize such characteristics in yourself and having more detail-oriented people do such tasks could be an effective way to manage your own stress level.

Low self-control may diminish your effectiveness at work. Acting too relaxed can make it difficult for you to focus on projects that require organized sequences of steps or stages. Thus, your ability to accomplish may be inconsistent. Indeed, it’s possible that you might be criticized periodically for being unreliable or unable to “stay within the lines.” Nonetheless, you may still experience many short-lived pleasures and never be thought of as boring.


As someone high in openness, you have a strong appreciation for beauty, both in art and nature. Indeed, it’s likely that you are easily absorbed in music and art, as well as natural phenomena. Another aspect of your openness is your emotional insight; that is, you probably have good access to and awareness of your own emotions.

Another aspect of the openness dimension is the tendency to think about abstract concepts and ideas. This thinking style may take the form of artistic and metaphorical use of language, and/or music composition or performance. Thus, it is likely that, either in your work or spare time, you enjoy activities that get your “creative juices” flowing.

Your tendency to be open-minded can have advantages and disadvantages. For instance, when there are no clear rules about how to approach a particular problem, your openness makes it easier for you to identify new ways to solve problems that might not be very obvious to people that are not as open as you are. In contrast, you may be bored easily in situations that lack high amounts of intellectual stimulation. In such cases, you might have difficulty excelling on projects that do not provide much stimulation or require much creative thinking.


Easygoingness refers to one's ability to relax. Based on your score, you appear to “take things as they come” and enjoy having a good time. However, being high in easygoingness also has the potential to produce stress in a number of ways. For example, you may find it difficult to complete tasks thoroughly and efficiently. In this way, being high in easygoingness cannot only make your life difficult, but also the lives of the people around you. Another potential problem with being too high in easygoingness is that it can provide you with gratification in the short-term, but in the long-term provide undesirable consequences.

High easygoingness, even when not seriously destructive, may also diminish your effectiveness at work, for example. You may find it aversive and difficult to put in all the effort that may sometimes be needed to effectively accomplish certain tasks. For this reason, your colleagues might view you as forgetful and unfocused.

Friday 23 July 2010

Meringue Opinion - Lung


...another little rant...

Ok, so I had a rant about some crappy television adverts and the state of some of Britains drivers yesterday and thought I'd follow it up with other stuff that's been going through my head since I hit the post now button.

The Natwest advert came on television again. What bullshit! You go to a bank to either put money in, or ask for money out in some form, be it a loan, a mortgage, or cash from your account (which you might use a machine for anyway) NOT talk about your baby, or if you should choose between a holiday or a car, or talk about getting engaged or married. We're more than just a bank, we're nosey bastards too! I once asked for a business account with Natwest, and it wasn't until I went to the branch to pay some cash in that they told me they had declined my application for an account. No letter. No phonecall. Nothing. My advise, stay well clear.

Gok Wan(ker) - what a nob head!

My phone just rang, and it was one of those automated sales calls. What a joke. If I'm going to speak to them (and I probably won't anyway) I'd like them to take the time to dial my number, and be the first to say hello. Why the (swear word) would they think I'm going to sign up to some service or buy some product when they can't even be bothered to put someone human on the phone instead of some computer?

I keep getting letters addressed to a girl called Mrs Angela Adams at my address, and because the letters are addressed to this person I am, apparently, not meant to open them, but I'm fed up of returning them not at this address, return to sender, so I've started to open them, and it's a good job I did. They are all from debt collection agents etc, who (apparently) have the right to come to my house when I'm not in and take goods to the value of the many thousands this girl owes, if there is no response to these letters. Answer me this. If I'm not allowed to open these letters legally, and they are legally allowed to come and remove goods from my house, what am I, by law, meant to do about it? WTF!!! I have since spoken to some of these debt collection agents who say they have been told by Equifax that my address is a possible place of contact for Mrs Angela Adams, even though I'm the only person living at this address, and I'm the only person who has lived at this address for the last five years!!! Guess what Equifax said? They won't remove her name from my address unless she asks them to do so! What a joke. She owes thousands of pounds. Do you really think she's going to phone Equifax and say she doesn't live at my address and give them her new address? Simple answer! NO!!!! ...and to make matters worse, Equifax have said they are allowed to give collection agents my address as a contact for her, and will continue to do so. Why? This is all very confusing, and very wrong. If anyone knows Mrs Angela Adams (formally of Brimington, Chesterfield, UK), can you please either post her current location, or inform Equifax of said location, or ask for her to get in touch with me. Thanks in advance.


Thursday 22 July 2010

...a little rant...

So it's been a while since I've actually written a "real" post for my blog so I thought I'd have a little rant about things that have been getting on my nerves recently.

Lets start with a subject I've written about before. Crap adverts! There are so many around at the moment and they just appear to be getting worse. McDonalds have tried to be clever and go all Byron on us with cringe poetry, whilst are still making the worse adverts my television has ever had the displeasure to host. There always used to be one or two adverts that you didn't mind watching because they might be cool, reference the old Guiness adverts, or funny, reference the original Meerkat advert, but even Orlov has started to get a little boring. Sort it out, you are only damaging your sales. It's not the state of the economy, it's your crap adverts!

Slow and ignorant drivers come next. First off, the dick heads that don't indicate off roundabouts do my head right in. I can be waiting what seems like ages to pull out on to a roundabout and if they had only indicated I would have had time to pull out, but nooooo, they only care about their own destination. May you all get lots of parking tickets rain down on your cars and unwanted flat tires at times that I'm on the road. Slow drivers come next (they actually come last because they're so funking slow). Why drive 30 in a 40 zone when there's nothing on the road in front of you? What really does my head in is the car that flies out of a junction to get out in front of you and then insists on driving like a learner with a lead weight up their arse. Please.

That's it for now, it was only meant to be a little rant, and even I've done my head in now. Laters.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Meringue Opinion - Fat Lady Sings - The Video, lol :)


Saturday 17 July 2010

State of Grace by Meringue Opinion

State of Grace by kidsonic

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Lung by Meringue Opinion

Lung by kidsonic

Friday 2 July 2010

Top CashBack

Come join me a Top Cashback (you know how cashback sites work I'm sure), but I could do with the referrals, and the site does have benefits. At least take a look. Thanks in advance.

Top CashBack

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