...and the got-to-be-most-annoying-advert-of-all-time award goes to...
"I don't know where to buy a kitchen sink, i'm confused dot com"... "I don't know which loan is best for acting school, i'm confuuuuuuuuused dot com"... "I don't know which side of the bed to get up from... ...i'm confused dot com", no you're not woman, getting a f**king grip - you might be confused but you're not a website for brokering loans with cheap rate television advertising!
Halifax, listen up, i'm fed up of telling you just how annoying your adverts have become - everyone's had enough of Howard (if that's his name as I always turn over when the Halifax adverts try to clutter up the grace that my television set portrays so neatly), and all the back-up actors need to stay away too - the adverts just aren't funny, aren't classy, and i'm pretty sure they aren't doing their job either. Sort it out.
Top women from some recent adverts lighten the load. I'm talking about the girl from the Special K adverts (also seen in some car rental adverts) and the French girl that was in some of the Renault Clio adverts, see here - thanks to adverts like this there is still hope for us...
Need I say more?