Saturday 21 June 2008

This, That, and the Other... (1)

Hello everyone. This is when I babble on about anything and everything and you tell me if I'm right or not.

Big Brother. What do you think so far? I think I'm glad to see the back of Alex, and I hope Rachel wins. The new bloke seems ok but it's so obvious all the younger girls in the house have a schoolboy crush on him and keep going off and giggling with each other about it. I guess I'm jealous. The older guy (I forget his name right now, because to be honest I don't watch it that often) is unliked for the sole reason he thinks he has loads of fans ("we have a fan club you know?") - yeah, right! I think Cookie is ok but her voice gets on my nerves after a while.

Euro. Holland beat by Russia, I just can't believe it. They played as individuals and not as a team and the one team that entertained us through the group matches has now gone. Croatia, you might remember I had drawn in the sweep, looked good, then got beat by Turkey. I can't believe it again. I'm glad Germany beat Portugal though because I had money on them and I'm not a big fan of Ronaldo. So you want a tip? Spain. Italy can't, Germany could, but won't, and I don't fancy Turkey or Russia because they're simply not good enough.

School re-union. Sorry guys and girls for not making it earlier tonight, I was looking forward to catching up with everyone but I generally felt run down and don't think I'd have been life of the party so apologies, I hope you all had a good time, and I'll try to make it next time.

Adverts. Cereal adverts. Very annoying. Churchill adverts. Even more annoying. Halifax adverts. Please, stop the torment.

That's it for now, not that I haven't got loads to say, I just can't be bothered right now. Take care, and thanks for listening.

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