Monday 6 September 2010

Radio 1 Sucks Eggs!

I was driving back up the M1 last night from a lovely weekend with friends and thought the time may pass quicker if I listened to the radio instead of the Dub FX cd I had in my player having listened to it already hundreds of times. Big mistake!

Radio 1 sucks eggs / Radio 1 is poor / Radio 1 is shite... Why?

Ok, so there are other radio stations I could have listened to but I hadn't used the radio on my player before so finding how to switch from cd to radio was hard enough when I was tired, driving in the dark, and on the motorway, so I managed to turn the radio on and it was already tuned in to Radio 1 which I thought couldn't be bad, but it was bad, very bad...

Don't know which show it was I was listening to, and don't think I ever want to know to be honest but first off the DJ said he had a "wicked" phone in vote where we could vote for the song we wanted to hear later on in his show. Then he gave the choice of either the young gayboy (no offence - gay rights rule etc etc) from the Disney Channel (I think! This is probably the only tv station that would have him anyway) Justin Bieber (had to Google that for the spelling), and N-Dubz... WTF!?! Where was the choice for "None of the above, thank you very much"?

Then I heard a shitty cover of Tik Tok that sounded like a lame attempt to sound like the Beastie boys of old, and failing miserably, but they bigged it up like "this is right good, and they're on the show tonight and in the studio for an interview" etc etc (another WTF!?!) this was so bad, I could have done better on my recorder at infant school trying out for the Christmas play and only getting the part of a tree :( ...can't even remember the name of the band it was so bad.

Then (yes there's more!) someone was on and was being interviewed about their latest song or something and they referred to the So Solid Crew as being a band that only "older" listeners would be familier with, trying to make them out to be some classic old-skool band like Run DMC or something. Older than what? Toddlers?

All-in-all a bad selection of songs with non-witty jokes and poor guest list with DJ's that may as well of being Play School presenters or something. I certainly won't be listening to Radio 1 again, unless of course I find the Fountain of Youth and become 10 again!

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