Wednesday 2 December 2009

Politicians have let us down. It's time for a change.

We've all heard about the Ration Books and Duck Islands. The only way we're going to make politicans understand their responsibilities to the people they represent is to make them more accountable at elections. It's time to kick out the antiquated First-Past-the-Post voting system that has allowed them to get away with so much and bring in a new style of elections where every single vote counts.

The way we vote has set the rules for politics. It's left our MPs free to enjoy jobs for life in safe seats. It's handed our governments massive majorities without any real mandate. And it's left us, the voters, weak.

We've all seen what happens when you leave politicians to their own devices (false expense claims - ring any bells?). Real change is needed, but just like the bankers, we can't expect MPs to deliver when the old rules suit them so well.

At the next election we need the chance to cast our vote not just for a new parliament, but for a new kind of politics. We should demand a referendum on a new voting system that really put voters back in the driving seat.

Politics is too important to be left to the politicians.

Support a referendum - sign the petition now. Click to sign (don't worry, you only need to give your email address and postcode).

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