Wednesday 30 July 2008

Get Luke Out!

Nominations on Big Brother were announced, and it appears the rest of the house have finally realised just what a stirring little shit Luke is and they put him up for eviction. He was against Dale, and he would have definately been voted out - see ya Luke!.. but Big Brother had to go and stick their ore in didn't they, and due to talking about nominations practically the rest of the house is up for eviction too. Thanks Big Brother, thanks a f**king lot!

Anyway, phone vote information can be found on an earlier post, and here's the number to Get Luke Out...

09016 16 16 08

A special mention to Maysoon, who had started to grow on me, but left the house of her own free will, and who will be remembered by most guys for a long, long time. Take care of that pretty face of yours, and don't leave it too long until you grace our television sets once again. She probably couldn't stand another day in the house with Luke.

Saturday 26 July 2008

Yet Another Big brother Rant

Yey, Becca has gone. When she came out she was louder than when she went in, I'm pleased we don't have to put up with her constant squeaking any more.

Everyone who thought Luke was clever, think again. When Becca's name was announced as the next to leave the house, Luke turned to her and said 31% of the vote, you must have had 31.1%, it was the 3-way tie Becca, that's why you are going. Laugh my ass off! Does Luke not know that a third of a hundred percent is 33.3% so if she did get 31.1% she would have been safe? Also, she got 65% of the vote anyway. How wrong you were Luke, hahahahaha.

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Another Big Brother Rant I did forget some people in the house. Stuart, Darnell, and Dale were all forgotten about - whoops! Anyway, makes no odds to me apart from the fact Darnell and Stuart have maybe grown on me a little and Dale has gone down a little in my estimation. It makes no odds because I still can't stand Luke - I have to turn over if I'm ever watching because he just winds me up, walking in the room looking like Lee Evans on acid, and wobbling his head while he tells everyone how others in the house are talking behind their backs - like he doesn't?!! Anyway, it's eviction night Friday and it's Rebecca to go - and Luke to follow! Here's the number to get Rebecca out... 09016 16 16 13 - UK calls cost 35p from a BT landline, mobile and other network rates may vary. 10p from each call will be split equally between Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Scope, and Papyrus (national suicide prevention charity). Terms & Conditions at

Just one more thing... I can no longer watch Big Brother's Little Brother. Where on earth did they get that girl (if you can call her that?) presenter from? I really do hope the're not paying her.

Friday 18 July 2008

Big Brother Rant

I'm glad Belinda-3-Times just got booted out. Interogation or what? Mario was right (and I didn't like him either). Rex is safe (thanks) because he is about one of the only people in the house being himself and it's good to have someone stir it up once in a while. Lisa talks shit, but she still has a laugh so I'm not sure if I like her yet. Cookie has grown on me, and I like her more. Luke is a stirring two faced little shit and he should get booted out as soon as physically possible - I can't stand him. I liked him at first, but not now, he should go now, and take that moaning Rebecca with him so they can make some good looking babies between them. Sarah (I think that's her name) the Australian is sweet, I like her a lot, and is it Masoon (if that's how you spell it), very pretty, quiet, and we're yet to see the best of her. Mo is a laugh, if not you sometimes have to feel sorry for him, and Rachel rocks, even if she is quiet. Mikey is sound and will probably get the sympathy vote, some of what he says is funny but he has gone down hill since befriending Luke while living in Hell. The rest, if there are any can't be too interesting as I can't remember them, although I think there are more housemates. Luke (and Rebecca) out. Rex (or Rachel) to win.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Fantasy Football 08/09

It's nearly here - phew! The new football season is nearing it's start and there's no better way to enjoy the entire season than in a fantasy football league with your friends and colleagues, so this one goes out to all my friends, colleagues, readers of my blog, and their friends as I challenge you to finish the 08/09 Premier League season in a higher position than my team, the Uttley Allstars.

For this one, we'll be using the free Sky Sports Fantasy Football, because 1. it's free, 2. it offers some nice prizes, and 3. we can have our own "private" league.

Here's the link for the free sign-up page, and when you've created your team you can join League Uttley by finding the "Enter New League" button, then entering this pin, 169933, and of course the league will also be regularly displayed on my blog so the leaders can have their bragging rights.


Tuesday 15 July 2008

Richard's Wonder Emporium

Hey everyone, I have a store!

It uses Ebay's auction technology and listed you'll find a quality poker table, several dvd's and my 50 Quid Website. Come and take a look, see what you think about the items, the prices, the design of the store?

My doors are now open - come on in...


Friday 4 July 2008

Funky and Free Forum

Just a quick post this one people to let you know of another site of mine. In fact, it's a forum. Funky and Free - it's a freebies forum, and it's well funky! You'll find freebies for both UK and international visitors and if you ever have anything to promote or just want to pass a few minutes then you could do a lot worse than give the forum a visit. You don't have to sign up to view the forum, but you do if you want to post or promote anything but as ever this is free, quick, and easy to do. I hope you can pay us a visit. Remember the address, - enjoy!

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