Friday 22 October 2010

Some people really have no life and have to hide behind their "Anonymous" mask...

I follow a really good blog from a friend of mine, The Deena Colada Recipe and on occasion leave her a friendly comment to let her know her blog is being both read and enjoyed.  Anyway, the girl posted a really funky photo of herself and knowing just how good she is musically, and thinking it was about time a demo was recorded, I left my usual comment saying I thought she should use the photo as a demo cover or something.  This was my reply...

You see that?  Anonymous said "why do you think people care richard?" - I had to laugh, I mean this person is obviously very lonely, very sad, totally jealous (possibly in love with Deena, afterall, she is a pretty girl), or a combination of all three.  What a freak hiding behind his (or her) "Anonymous" mask.  Show yourself if you have any balls... sorry, forgot, you don't!  I got another message a few days later, but that only backs up how lifeless this person is and I really can't be bothered with it any more, but who ever you may be, keep it coming, you're a free laugh, and that's a rare commodity these days.

Monday 18 October 2010

Meringue Opinion - Everything But Gone

Greetings once again from Meringue Opinion, gone but not forgotten. This little number if ever there was going to be an official single was going to be it, unfortunately, like so many of the latest songs (even though this in now over 10 years old!), the band split before it was finished and along with help from Paul at Foundry Studios, Chesterfield, we salvaged what we could and mocked up this little beauty. Enjoy, Everything But Gone!..


Meringue Opinion - Fat Lady Sings (& drummer wanted for new cover band project)...

Enjoy the vid - it's a general mash up of photos from my old band Meringue Opinion.  Rob (guitarist) and myself have been talking and are interested in getting a cover band together to gig around and maybe do a few working mans clubs etc.  We neeeeeed a drummer!!!  Can you help?

Saturday 16 October 2010

50 Quid Website Promo


Wednesday 13 October 2010

Don't Call Me A Pervert!

You may have noticed I've been adding some pictures of scantily dressed women to my blog recently?


I knew you had, but don't call me a pervert!  It's only natural that a single 36 year old man would find Rachel Bilson in beachwear a sight for sore eyes, which man wouldn't?  Shut it Winder! (only joking). 

Then there's the series of photos I've been running of girls with nipples showing.  Let me explain.  I subscribe to the online magazine Monkey Mag, which appears in my inbox every Wednesday and is full of funny videos, game and music reviews, gadgets, cars, and you guessed it, pictures of pretty girls.  They had the Beyonce picture with the heading, "Beyonce - Do my nipples look visible in this?  Yes indeedy" and I just found it funny and thought I'd run my own little series of photos of pretty women with nipples showing in order to make you laugh.

So there we have it.  I'm not a pervert - I just love women and comedy...

Some of you don't feel fulfilled do you?  I know, you want one more photo of a scantily dressed women to leave you on a high for the rest of the day?  How about two?

Here we go...

The two most gorgeous women in the entire existence of the Universe.  Enjoy Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Alba...


Rachel Bilson Nailing Beachwear Part 4


Rachel Bilson Nailing Beachwear Part 3


Rachel Bilson Nailing Beachwear Part 2


Rachel Bilson Nailing Beachwear Part 1

Just because...

She be fine!


Saturday 9 October 2010

Kate Beckinsale - Do my nipples look visible in this? ...Yes indeedy!


Friday 8 October 2010

Jessica Alba - Do my nipples look visible in this? ...Yes indeedy!


Thursday 7 October 2010

Cameron Diaz - Do my nipples look visible in this? ...Yes indeedy!


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