Sunday 29 November 2009

Join my new website design group at Yahoo Groups...

Website Design and the Small Business is a networking group for all website designers offering fair and complete websites for the "smaller" business to promote their design work, and for small businesses to showcase their websites and ask designers for advise and quotations relating to their web presence. I set this up today (29 November 2009) over at Yahoo Groups and believe this could be a valuable resource to both website designers and small business owners. I hope to see you there...

Website Design for the Small Business

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Supreme Court Ruling On Bank Overdraught Charges Is Complete Bollocks!

"High Street banks have won their appeal over unauthorised overdraft charges.

The Supreme Court ruled in favour of the seven major banks and a building society, which had challenged High Court and Court of Appeal decisions that the charges come under "unfair contract" rules and are therefore subject to regulation by the Office of Fair Trading.

The result was awaited by tens of thousands of customers whose refund claims have been frozen while the test case went through the courts.

Handing down the unanimous ruling Lord Phillips, president of the Supreme Court, said: "It may be open to the Office of Fair Trading to assess the charge under other criteria."

Customers who go into unauthorised overdraft or breach their agreed limit can be charged as much as £35 or more for a single bounced payment. Campaigners claim the actual cost to the banks could be as little as £2.50.

If the banks had lost the test case, it could have cost them £2.6 billion a year in lost revenue and led to their having to make refunds of up to £1 billion.

Before refund claims were frozen, banks had already paid out more than £559 million to customers who complained about "rip-off" overdraft charges.

But many of the high street banks have already changed the structure of the fees they charge people who go into the red, with or without permission.

Lord Walker, one of the five Justices of the Supreme Court who heard the case, pointed out that the outcome of the appeal "may cause disappointment and indeed dismay to a very large number of bank customers who feel that they have been subjected to unfairly high charges in respect of unauthorised overdrafts". But he said that as Lord Phillips had explained it was not the end of the matter and Parliament "may wish to consider the matter further".

The test case to decide the legal issues thrown up by the dispute was brought jointly by the OFT and Abbey, Barclays, Clydesdale, Halifax Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB - which are now part of the same group - HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland Group and Nationwide Building Society."

Sourced from Virgin Media

Everyone knows that if the government hadn't bailed the banks out and now owned them, and if the MP's hadn't robbed us with false expenses claims, and if the country hadn't been in a progressive slump financially then the Supreme Court would have ruled AGAINST the banks and thousands of customers unfairly charged around £35 a time for going over their overdraughts when it would actually only cost the banks £2.50 a time would now be getting these unfair charges paid back and the country would be in a much better place.

This is most definately not over yet. Watch this space.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

The Man On The Line Gets No Better!

I've just finished watching France -v- Ireland in the World Cup Qualifying Playoff and before I moan about bad officials again I would just like to say well done to the Irish for a great game, and I would have much rather seen you in the World Cup than France. You outclassed the French for the most part of the game, and deserved your place so much more than the French.

Here we go...

Thierry Henry is a CHEAT! A deliberate hand ball knocks Ireland out of the World Cup - BUT (and even though the ref couldn't see) the man on the line had a clear view of the incident. FIRST he missed two French players in off-side positions when the free kick was taken, and SECOND he had clear site of Henry handball it not once, BUT TWICE!!!!

The man on the line should be suspended.

The man on the line gets it wrong all too often.

The man on the line GETS NO BETTER!

A good arguement for video goal line technology?

Much respect to the Irish.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Richard's Wonder Emporium. Curious?

I just wanted to introduce everyone to my Wonder Emporium - basically an online shop that exactly mirrors my auctions/sales on Ebay, but with everything in one place. At the moment I have loads of dvd's for sale - all at really good prices and with free postage.

Come take a look... Richard's Wonder Emporium

Monday 16 November 2009

Jimmy White - I'm A Celebrity...

I've just been channel hopping (as you do) and happened to come across the new series of I'm A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here! (not that I even knew a new series was on in the first place, or that I would have been bothered about it) and stopped in my tracks when I saw none other than Jimmy "The Whirlwind" White, the snooker legend past and crowd favourite present and thought maybe I'll watch for a bit, but he wasn't on much so I soon switched over, but then I remembered a clip of Jimmy against Kirk Stevens (some time ago), found it on You Tube, and thought I just had to share it with followers of my blog. So here it is. Enjoy!...


Saturday 14 November 2009

50 Quid Website

For all those following It's Just A Blog! why not check out what I've been up to over at 50 Quid Website with a new look site, information on SEO (search engine optimization), and new Graphic Design, and On-Site IT pages... see you there?

Friday 13 November 2009

Kate Beckinsale

Here's some photo's for you just to back up the claim that Kate Beckinsale really is the sexiest woman alive!


Monday 9 November 2009

Follow me on Twitter...

Follow me on Twitter...

I go by the name "sonicnation" (an old band name)...

Follow me

See you there!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Free Horse Racing Tips

There's a great website that offers some of the best free horse racing tips. Instead of me trying to explain how they do it just click the banner and all will be revealed...

Free Horse Racing Tips, Click Here!

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